From Dawn till Dusk: A Lifetime Condensed into 24 hours

It is not that we have a short time to live, but that we waste a lot of it. Seneca Introduction What would your life look like if it was condensed down to 24 hours? Would you be happy with how you’d spent your day so far? Do the plans you have for the rest…

10 Numbers That Will Change Your Investing Perspective

When I was growing up I didn’t like numbers. They scared me. Now, however, I get it. Numbers are great. They are an efficient way to transmit information and show value (or lack thereof). In the financial world, numbers are thrown about endlessly and it can become a bit much! So, I thought I’d provide…

The UK’s ‘Not So Mini-Budget’: What it Means for You

What’s Happened? Liz Truss (our new PM) and Kwasi Kwarteng (our new chancellor) dropped an economic and political bomb on Friday (23/09/22). The aftershock of which could be felt for years to come. The bomb, which they are calling a ‘mini-budget’, is our first real introduction to ‘Trussonomics’. In summary, the plan is to borrow…

Financial Bloodletting: Don’t Let this Happen to You

Without data, you are just another person with an opinion. W.E. Demming Follow The Data 🧪 Science is the practice of observing something, recording those observations, then using the data collected to make informed decisions; it is an ever-evolving field of study. The never-ending pursuit for improved understanding.  As time passes, many theories or ‘facts’…

The 5 Essentials to Becoming a Successful Investor

“The chief task in life is simply this: to identify and separate matters so that I can say clearly to myself which are externals not under my control, and which have to do with the choices I actually control. Where then do I look for good and evil? Not to uncontrollable externals, but within myself…

Explained: The Benefits of Inflation!

2022 has thus far been a year of bad news and previously unimaginable events! For those folks reading this in the future, I’m sure 2022 will have been a pivotal year that everybody points to for years to come – please correct me if I’m wrong!! You would be forgiven, if you keep up with…

Explained: How UK Income Tax Works

Have you ever wondered how your hard earned cash is actually taxed? Well, wonder no more!!! In this post I lay out how UK income tax works and what it means to you. Myth Buster 101 In a recent poll on my Instagram page, 30% of the respondents believed a higher rate tax payer only…

The View from 30 🏔

I made it. 30 laps around the sun! My twenties were a full of highs and lows. Great experiences and friendships. Love and failure. Nights of excess and periods of reflection. Here is a list of thoughts on life and investing in no particular order from me at the big 3-0. Life 1. Abundance is…

Simple Wealth, Inevitable Wealth: An Ode to Equities

I’ve been attempting to write this blog post for some time, however I have never been happy with the result. What I’ve come to realise is that Nick Murray’s words speak for themselves. Trying to comment on, review or explain his message just muddies the water. Nick is a talented writer. His ideas are well…


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